Monday, December 29, 2008

Trusting your Intuition

Your Third Eye, the Inner Voice, Your Higher Self, A Sixth Sense.....all different names for one thing we ALL have---intuition.

Sadly--it is not as easy to follow one's intuition as it would seem--and I think this
is something most of us struggle with: trusting what our "inner voice" or intuition tells us---and then following through with it!

We second guess ourselves--a lot. I know personally I do this way too often--even when I know that 9 times out of 10 my intuition is leading me in the right direction.

That is one of the many blessings of being a Reiki practitioner--during each and every Reiki session I get to use my intuition --flexing the third eye muscle and therefore making it stronger.

I use my intuition to tell me what issues need to be addressed for my client, what might help them most and to ascertain any other messages I am supposed to receive on their behalf.

One of the lessons I have been lucky to learn through my Reiki classes is that when in doubt--ask. Ask, ask, ask. By asking questions about things you have a "hunch" about you will start to become more confident in your intuition's communication with you.

For example, a client of mine a few weeks ago had scheduled a standard Reiki Treatment Session. I normally start off my sessions by clearing out the Chakras. While I was clearing out her throat chakra I saw images in my mind's eye of her yelling at her husband--as if they were arguing. Now, this client is a soft-spoken and friendly yoga instructor. This scene was not something I would ever expect to see from her. I didn't want to say anything at first, but then remembered if I didn't ask I would never know if my intuition was right--so I asked her, "Have you been angry lately--perhaps with your kids or other family member?" ( I didn't dare say husband to avoid offending her if I was way off)
and she told me, "Yes, actually, I've been angry with my husband!"

I was right! Later she explained that she normally never yelled but she feels open enough with him to voice her opinions and thoughts--and even raise her voice in an argument. Again--I felt validated.

See, it's a matter of trust.

So, for those who are interested in how to raise their intuition skills a bit, here is what I have learned can help "turn up the volume" of your inner voice.

1. Meditate--whether mantra mediation or just silently paying attention to your breath for 10-15 minutes a day--it helps open your "third eye"

2. Journal--by writing down your thoughts each day you will be able to go back and see where your hunches were correct and begin to gain more confidence in your intuitive abilities

3. Purchase some oracle or angel cards---Doreen Virtue has some great ones as does Dyan Garris--follow the instructions on the card inserts and practice giving yourself and friends some readings--it's quite fun and opens the mind a bit more.

Also, check out the link HERE to try them out on-line for free--so you can get an idea.

Many Blessings!


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